
I have a problem with a dynamic graph, tracking a number of positions over time. At the moment the the excel sheet contains sensitive data, and going to be quite extensive to remake it without, so I hope my description will be enough for now!


The chart is tracking a list of data, with dates as the X-axis, and results as the Y axis.

Everytime the data skips a row (To segment the data, the person using the sheet likes to skip a line in the sheet, to give a better overview.) it makes the graph behave strangely - basically instead of just showing the relevant dates on the X-axis (We're talking about a few months of data, from 01-04-21 to 30-03-22) the data is stretched out to show all the way back in 1900 to 2032 - So a much much wider range of data, which obviously messes up the graph in the chart.

It is for sure something with the data formatting that goes wrong when skipping a line of data. However, i was wondering if it's possible to make a graph that doesnt suffer from this problem? Just ignoring blank lines for example?