Hi All,

I'm pretty new to pivot tables/charts etc. and am looking for some help.

I have set up a pivot table that I need to change the data source regularly.
I have 29 stages of a project that I want to show in the Rows whether they have a 0 in the value or not.

I then have further pivot tables built off of this pivot table (not sure if this is a good idea or not but I can't seem to pull the data I want off of the source table).

When I update the data source for my main pivot table, it doesn't show the stages that have a 0 value and this then messes up my other pivot tables (I'm using getpivotdata in these tables).

Is there a way to set up my 29 Stages pivot table so that it always shows each of the 29 stages whether or not the value is 0 when I change the data source?Pivot.jpg