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initial size of new charts

  1. #1
    bob m

    initial size of new charts

    Lately when I create a new chart using the chart wizard, the chart that
    initially appears is miniscule in size-- sometimes less than 1/8" high and
    maybe an inch or so wide, and it fills only a tiny fraction of the window.
    The charts are so small that it's difficult to even find the vertical borders
    as needed to resize the picture. Also, all the fonts come out as 1 point. I
    get the same result regardless of whether I place the chart in the worksheet
    with the data, or in its own sheet. It seems that the initial size of new
    charts varies kind of randomly through time. How are these defaults
    determined? How can I get new charts to be reasonably sized? I can always do
    some re-sizing, but having to start with microscopic sized charts seems
    ridiculous! Thanks,
    Bob M.

  2. #2
    Jon Peltier

    Re: initial size of new charts

    Hi Bob -

    I wonder if your default chart type was changed to some wildly shrunken chart. Check
    in step 1 of the wizard. What type of chart is selected before you make any choices?
    Click on the Custom Types tab, and choose the User Defined option. Under default, is
    that a normal chart?

    The other thing to check, for an embedded chart, is whether you have frozen panes in
    the worksheet. Excel makes its embedded charts (roughly) half the size of the active
    pane, centered within the pane. If the active pane is small, so will be the chart.

    - Jon
    Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
    Peltier Technical Services
    Tutorials and Custom Solutions

    bob m wrote:

    > Lately when I create a new chart using the chart wizard, the chart that
    > initially appears is miniscule in size-- sometimes less than 1/8" high and
    > maybe an inch or so wide, and it fills only a tiny fraction of the window.
    > The charts are so small that it's difficult to even find the vertical borders
    > as needed to resize the picture. Also, all the fonts come out as 1 point. I
    > get the same result regardless of whether I place the chart in the worksheet
    > with the data, or in its own sheet. It seems that the initial size of new
    > charts varies kind of randomly through time. How are these defaults
    > determined? How can I get new charts to be reasonably sized? I can always do
    > some re-sizing, but having to start with microscopic sized charts seems
    > ridiculous! Thanks,

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