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Chart Macro

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  1. #1

    Chart Macro

    Is there a way to record a macro when creating a chart and use the value of
    A1 as the chart title and the value of A2 as the name of the chart.
    Right now, when I look in the VBA editor the macro has recorded the name as
    "chart 11" or something like that.
    I've tried to use ActiveChart.Name = "James" as the name of the chart, but I
    keep getting an error.
    Can anyone please help me?
    Thanks James

  2. #2
    John Mansfield

    RE: Chart Macro


    Add this code to a standard module. Select the chart and then run the macro
    (note: assumes you are referring to an embedded chart on Sheet1 of your

    Sub ChartMacro()
    Dim Cht As Chart
    Set Cht = ActiveChart
    Cht.Parent.Name = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
    With Cht
    .HasTitle = True
    .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2").Value
    End With
    MsgBox "The chart name is: " & Cht.Parent.Name
    MsgBox "The chart title is: " & Cht.ChartTitle.Characters.Text
    End Sub

    John Mansfield

    "James" wrote:

    > Is there a way to record a macro when creating a chart and use the value of
    > A1 as the chart title and the value of A2 as the name of the chart.
    > Right now, when I look in the VBA editor the macro has recorded the name as
    > "chart 11" or something like that.
    > I've tried to use ActiveChart.Name = "James" as the name of the chart, but I
    > keep getting an error.
    > Can anyone please help me?
    > Thanks James
    > --

  3. #3

    RE: Chart Macro

    Thanks, you make it look so easy ;-)

    "John Mansfield" wrote:

    > James,
    > Add this code to a standard module. Select the chart and then run the macro
    > (note: assumes you are referring to an embedded chart on Sheet1 of your
    > workbook).
    > Sub ChartMacro()
    > Dim Cht As Chart
    > Set Cht = ActiveChart
    > Cht.Parent.Name = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
    > Cht.ChartArea.Select
    > With Cht
    > .HasTitle = True
    > .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2").Value
    > End With
    > MsgBox "The chart name is: " & Cht.Parent.Name
    > MsgBox "The chart title is: " & Cht.ChartTitle.Characters.Text
    > End Sub
    > ----
    > Regards,
    > John Mansfield
    > http://www.pdbook.com
    > "James" wrote:
    > > Is there a way to record a macro when creating a chart and use the value of
    > > A1 as the chart title and the value of A2 as the name of the chart.
    > > Right now, when I look in the VBA editor the macro has recorded the name as
    > > "chart 11" or something like that.
    > > I've tried to use ActiveChart.Name = "James" as the name of the chart, but I
    > > keep getting an error.
    > > Can anyone please help me?
    > > Thanks James
    > > --
    > >

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