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How can I minimalize the difference between extreme values on a c.

  1. #1

    How can I minimalize the difference between extreme values on a c.

    I'm making a chart with two values for class. One of the values is very
    small (3) and the other is very large (317). How can I make the axis values
    "break" so to speak, so that the difference between them is minimalized. For
    example, I need a portion that goes from 1-7 and another that goes from
    300-700. I can't put them on different charts.

  2. #2
    Jon Peltier

    Re: How can I minimalize the difference between extreme values ona c.

    I describe one technique on this page, and include links to others:


    - Jon
    Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
    Peltier Technical Services
    Tutorials and Custom Solutions

    kitkat wrote:
    > I'm making a chart with two values for class. One of the values is very
    > small (3) and the other is very large (317). How can I make the axis values
    > "break" so to speak, so that the difference between them is minimalized. For
    > example, I need a portion that goes from 1-7 and another that goes from
    > 300-700. I can't put them on different charts.

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