
I am having a problem with a dynamic chart title and saving, closing and
then re-opening the workbook and the chart title still being dynamic.

On Sheet2 of my workbook I have some drop-down menus in cells B2:E2.

On Sheet7 of my workbook in cells BA1:BA3 I have Concatenation formulas that
I want to use as my Chart titles.
For example: =CONCATENATE("This is my " Sheet2!$B$2, " ", "chart.")

I named the ranges on Sheet7, BA1 is named "FAC", BA2 is named "POD" and BA3
is named "NAF".

I then added a text box to my first chart where the chart title should go.
In the text box I put the formula =FAC.

Then I go back to Sheet2 change my options in my drop down menus, come back
to Sheet7 to make sure it worked and it does.

But, when I save the workbook, close it and re-open it, the text box seems
to "forget" the range that I had put in there and I have to do it all over

How do I make the text box "remember" from save to save and open - close -

This is the web site I used as a guide to accomplish this:

