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2 Axis Chart

  1. #1
    Mark G

    2 Axis Chart

    How do I choose which data seris will be bar vs. line? I read Barb R. post
    and either I don't understand (very possible) or it doesn't work.


  2. #2
    Jon Peltier

    Re: 2 Axis Chart

    Mark -

    Do you mean column (vertical) instead of bar (horizontal)? It's an
    important distinction because a column uses the same category axis as
    the line.

    Anyway, if you avoid the built-in combination chart types, you have
    complete control. Start with a column chart of all the data, then one by
    one, select each series you want to change to a line, and use the Chart
    Type command on the chart menu to change it. After changing one, you can
    select the next and press the F4 key, the shortcut to repeat the last
    action. Or start with a line chart of all the data, then one by one,
    select each series you want to change to a column, and use the Chart
    Type command on the chart menu to change it.

    If you are trying to make a combination chart with a line series and a
    horizontal bar series, with the line series using the vertical category
    axis, you need to fake it with an XY Scatter series:


    - Jon
    Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
    Peltier Technical Services
    Tutorials and Custom Solutions

    Mark G wrote:
    > How do I choose which data seris will be bar vs. line? I read Barb R. post
    > and either I don't understand (very possible) or it doesn't work.
    > Thanks

  3. #3

    RE: 2 Axis Chart

    "Mark G" escreveu:

    > How do I choose which data seris will be bar vs. line? I read Barb R. post
    > and either I don't understand (very possible) or it doesn't work.
    > Thanks

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