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customizing the mouse-over display in a bubble chart

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  1. #1

    customizing the mouse-over display in a bubble chart

    Hi --
    I have a little Excel app that generates 3dbubble charts from data stored in
    one sheet of my workbook, based on a user's selections. The DB portion of
    this app contains info about a set of possible projects that might be done,
    including risk, reward, cost, date of avaliability etc. Of course, every
    project has a name and belongs to one of several product families.

    When the user determines what elements of the project he wants to use to
    determine the x and y coordinates of the bubble and it's radius, I construct
    the chart in 'family' series, so all the projects for a given family all
    have the
    same color. Thus - each bubble shows 4 elements - x, y, rad, and color

    Once generated, the chart is cool... but when you mouse-over a given bubble,
    it tells you what you can readily determine from the chart - the
    series(family) name, the x and y coords of the center, and the radius. Duh!
    that's totally
    derivitive. What I want to see in the mouse over is the 'fifth' relevant
    item of info - the name of the specific project.

    So. My questions is -- Is there a way to alter/customize the mouse-over
    content for each bubble to display a text string of my choosing?

    Thanks in advance for your help,

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    your tool

    dear mark

    do i understand you correctly that you have a tool that draws bubbles in a sheet?
    my problem is that i cant use the bubble chart because it needs a certain formatted sheet with x y and size.
    i am desparetly searching for a solution and it would be great if you could send me the macro or tool or just give be a hint!

    thanks a lot

    best regards

  3. #3

    Re: customizing the mouse-over display in a bubble chart

    Hi Haydar --

    Tried sending you email but it bounced (address:
    '[email protected]').
    I have a sample spreadsheet to send you if you let me know where to send it.

    Here's the text of the message I tried to send:

    Hi Haydar

    In order to generate a 3d bubble chart, you need to provide 3 data elements
    per bubble: the X and Y coordinates of the center of the bubble, and the

    If you want, you can add a 4th element (color), by specifying more than one
    series of cells as you build the chart. In this case, Color tells me to which
    ‘Family’ a given bubble belongs.

    I’m attaching a spreadsheet with data and a chart to illustrate. I’m also
    appending a code segment to this message. To use the code, you need to drop
    it into a VB macro or sub(procedure).

    There’s several hundred lines of code in the Excel app preceding the code
    segment below, so some of it may not make sense. I’ll try to give you an

    Basically, I’ve got a DB of about 50 columns by up to 200 rows. Each row
    represents an investment opportunity. The Columns contain info related to
    each opportunity – risk, reward, cost, ‘family’, projected date of
    availability …

    The bubble chart portion of the app includes a form which allows the user to
    specify several search criteria (delivery date, industry, …), and what values
    for each of the opportunities that fit the criteria should be used for X, Y
    and Diam. When that’s done, he/she clicks on a button and the app pulls the
    relevant info out of the DB and plops it into a new worksheet. As it does so,
    it drops the data into the sheet in ‘family’ order, remembering where the
    start & end rows are for each family.

    In the code snippet below, the filtered & selected data has already been
    plopped into a (recently cleared) sheet (“BubbleData”) in the workbook. I’ve
    done a global replace on one of my variable names to turn it into
    “DataSeries” (think “Family”). Since I don’t know how many Families there
    may be in the DB (as time goes by new families of investments may get added),
    I have to wander through the db and populate a list of family names and count
    how many there are… so there’s a DataSeriesCount (number of
    DataSeries/Families found in the DB), a DataSeriesIndex, etc. I also populate
    some strings for titles and family names, and for every DataSeries there’s a
    string containing the Start of its range and the end of it’s range (in the
    sheet “BubbleData”). I tried passing those values as ranges and couldn’t
    make it work, but passing them inside a string worked.

    Disclaimer: I’m new to VB (this is my first VB app) so there may be
    easier/more elegant ways to do what I’ve done here… but I got this to work,
    so I stopped ‘improving’ it... Except I would like to be able to see the
    specific name of the opportunity when I mouse over the resulting bubble,
    instead of the X, Y and Diam values… Haven’t figured out how to do that yet.

    In the code snippet below, I have previously determined the average x and y
    values ( I want the axes to bisect the chart – show me 4 quadrants). And I
    have title and Axis strings that let the user see what data fields were used
    for X, Y and Diam, as well as other search criteria (filters).

    Let me know if this helps. Or not J

    Mark Hinrichs

    Here’s the VB code:

    ----------------------------------------------------- cut here

    ' Build Chart --- Data comes from sheet “BubbleData”, and Chart gets dumped
    into sheet “BubbleChart”


    ActiveChart.ChartType = xlBubble3DEffect

    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("BubbleData").Range( _

    DataSeriesChartRangeStr(1)), PlotBy:=xlColumns

    For DataSeriesIndex = 2 To DataSeriesCount

    ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.NewSeries ' Add all new series
    before defining ranges & titles

    Next DataSeriesIndex

    DataSeriesNameStr = DataSeriesName(1)

    ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Name = DataSeriesNameStr

    For DataSeriesIndex = 2 To DataSeriesCount

    DataSeriesNameStr = DataSeriesName(DataSeriesIndex)

    ChartRangeStartRowStr = DataSeriesStartRow(DataSeriesIndex) ' cast
    integer vals into strings

    ChartRangeEndRowStr = DataSeriesEndRow(DataSeriesIndex)

    XValsStr = "=BubbleData!R" + ChartRangeStartRowStr + "C2:R" +
    ChartRangeEndRowStr + "C2"

    YValsStr = "=BubbleData!R" + ChartRangeStartRowStr + "C3:R" +
    ChartRangeEndRowStr + "C3"

    BubbleSizeStr = "=BubbleData!R" + ChartRangeStartRowStr + "C4:R" +
    ChartRangeEndRowStr + "C4"

    ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(DataSeriesIndex).XValues = XValsStr

    ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(DataSeriesIndex).Name = DataSeriesNameStr

    ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(DataSeriesIndex).BubbleSizes =

    ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(DataSeriesIndex).Values = YValsStr

    Next DataSeriesIndex

    ActiveChart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:="BubbleChart"

    With ActiveChart

    .HasTitle = True

    .ChartTitle.Characters.Text = TitleStr

    .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True

    .Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = XaxisStr

    .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).HasTitle = True

    .Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary).AxisTitle.Characters.Text = YaxisStr

    End With

    With ActiveChart

    .HasAxis(xlCategory, xlPrimary) = True

    .HasAxis(xlValue, xlPrimary) = True

    End With

    ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary).CategoryType = xlAutomatic


    With ActiveChart.Axes(xlValue)

    .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True

    .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True

    .MinorUnitIsAuto = True

    .MajorUnitIsAuto = True

    .Crosses = xlCustom

    .CrossesAt = YAxisAvg

    .ReversePlotOrder = False

    .ScaleType = xlLinear

    .DisplayUnit = xlNone

    End With


    With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory)

    .MinimumScaleIsAuto = True

    .MaximumScaleIsAuto = True

    .MinorUnitIsAuto = True

    .MajorUnitIsAuto = True

    .Crosses = xlCustom

    .CrossesAt = XAxisAvg

    .ReversePlotOrder = False

    .ScaleType = xlLinear

    .DisplayUnit = xlNone

    End With

    Set ThisChart =
    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count) ' Scale the chart
    to consume the region A1 to P37

    With Range("A1:P37")

    ThisChart.Left = .Left

    ThisChart.Top = .Top

    ThisChart.Width = .Width

    ThisChart.Height = .Height

    End With

    "Haydar" wrote:

    > dear mark
    > do i understand you correctly that you have a tool that draws bubbles
    > in a sheet?
    > my problem is that i can´t use the bubble chart because it needs a
    > certain formatted sheet with x y and size.
    > i am desparetly searching for a solution and it would be great if you
    > could send me the macro or tool or just give be a hint!
    > thanks a lot
    > best regards
    > haydar
    > --
    > Haydar
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Haydar's Profile: http://www.excelforum.com/member.php...o&userid=26041
    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=380732

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