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HELP need index of the actual selected point

  1. #1

    HELP need index of the actual selected point


    I need help. I must get the index of a the currently selectd point in
    the chart. I can't use the Mouseup event.
    It will be better to determinate the x and y value from the actual
    selected point but the index will also be good.

    Please help!


  2. #2
    Jon Peltier

    Re: HELP need index of the actual selected point

    You need to use an old-style XLM command for this, as Stephen Bullen
    pointed out in his post 14-Jan-2001:

    Sub WhichPoint()

    Dim sPoint As String
    Dim iSeries As Integer, iPoint As Integer

    sPoint = ExecuteExcel4Macro("SELECTION()")

    If sPoint Like "S*P*" Then
    iSeries = Val(Mid$(sPoint, 2))
    iPoint = Val(Mid$(sPoint, Len(iSeries) + 2))

    MsgBox "Series " & iSeries & ", Point " & iPoint
    MsgBox "Please select a single data point."
    End If

    End Sub

    - Jon
    Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
    Peltier Technical Services
    Tutorials and Custom Solutions

    Schlupp wrote:

    > Hi,
    > I need help. I must get the index of a the currently selectd point in
    > the chart. I can't use the Mouseup event.
    > It will be better to determinate the x and y value from the actual
    > selected point but the index will also be good.
    > Please help!
    > thx
    > Jens

  3. #3
    Ed Ferrero

    Re: HELP need index of the actual selected point

    Hi Jon,

    There is also this old post from Eric Wells, if you do not like to use XLM.
    '>>>>There is no easy way, as there is no name property for the Point
    'object. Below you will find a function that will return a string
    'corresponding to the point designation you see in the dropdown name box
    'on a chart sheet (I've also included a macro that calls the function).
    'The function relies on setting the MarkerStyle property of the point
    'and then using a For-Next loop to identify the point index and then
    'resetting the markerstyle. Note that there is no error checking to
    'make sure that a point is actually selected, nor to check to see if the
    'proper marketstyle is being used (if the entire series is formatted as
    'xlstar, the funciton will fail - you'll have to select a different

    Sub GetPoint()
    Dim PointObject As Object
    Set PointObject = Selection
    MsgBox ReturnPoint(PointObject)
    End Sub

    Function ReturnPoint(PointObject As Object) As String
    Dim PointMarkerStyle As Variant
    Dim SeriesNum As Integer
    Dim PointNum As Integer
    Dim x As Integer
    PointMarkerStyle = PointObject.MarkerStyle
    PointObject.MarkerStyle = xlStar
    With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(PointObject.Parent.Name)
    SeriesNum = .PlotOrder
    For x = 1 To .Points.Count
    If .Points(x).MarkerStyle = xlStar Then
    PointNum = x
    Exit For
    End If
    End With
    PointObject.MarkerStyle = PointMarkerStyle
    ReturnPoint = "S" & SeriesNum & "P" & PointNum
    End Function

    '-Eric Wells

    Ed Ferrero

    > You need to use an old-style XLM command for this, as Stephen Bullen
    > pointed out in his post 14-Jan-2001:
    > Sub WhichPoint()
    > Dim sPoint As String
    > Dim iSeries As Integer, iPoint As Integer
    > sPoint = ExecuteExcel4Macro("SELECTION()")
    > If sPoint Like "S*P*" Then
    > iSeries = Val(Mid$(sPoint, 2))
    > iPoint = Val(Mid$(sPoint, Len(iSeries) + 2))
    > MsgBox "Series " & iSeries & ", Point " & iPoint
    > Else
    > MsgBox "Please select a single data point."
    > End If
    > End Sub
    > - Jon
    > -------
    > Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
    > Peltier Technical Services
    > Tutorials and Custom Solutions
    > http://PeltierTech.com/
    > _______
    > Schlupp wrote:
    >> Hi,
    >> I need help. I must get the index of a the currently selectd point in
    >> the chart. I can't use the Mouseup event.
    >> It will be better to determinate the x and y value from the actual
    >> selected point but the index will also be good.
    >> Please help!
    >> thx
    >> Jens

  4. #4
    Jon Peltier

    Re: HELP need index of the actual selected point

    Hi Ed -

    I also had a version of the Eric Wells approach, with temporary point
    formatting, but didn't suggest it because I'm not comfortable with it.
    My problem, alluded to in Eric's post, is that if my series formatting
    is already xlStar, I'll never find the selected point. This can be fixed
    using another layer of coding, but it was already longer and more
    convoluted than the XLM command. And the XLM command detects whether a
    point is selected (If sPoint Like "S*P*" Then).

    XLM's not so bad, and often (like this) it's the easiest way, or the
    only way, to get something done. Print Setup is another: the VBA way
    takes minutes, while XLM is nearly instantaneous.

    Many times people do things the hard way, because they have a
    preconceived notion they force their approach to conform to. Like it's
    bad to add columns for intermediate calculations or for conditioned data
    for charting. In fact, it's easier to do it this way, and you can find
    your mistakes more easily. And you can put the extra range out of sight
    of the casual observer.

    - Jon
    Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
    Peltier Technical Services
    Tutorials and Custom Solutions

    Ed Ferrero wrote:
    > Hi Jon,
    > There is also this old post from Eric Wells, if you do not like to use XLM.
    > <quote>
    > '>>>>There is no easy way, as there is no name property for the Point
    > 'object. Below you will find a function that will return a string
    > 'corresponding to the point designation you see in the dropdown name box
    > 'on a chart sheet (I've also included a macro that calls the function).
    > 'The function relies on setting the MarkerStyle property of the point
    > 'and then using a For-Next loop to identify the point index and then
    > 'resetting the markerstyle. Note that there is no error checking to
    > 'make sure that a point is actually selected, nor to check to see if the
    > 'proper marketstyle is being used (if the entire series is formatted as
    > 'xlstar, the funciton will fail - you'll have to select a different
    > 'markerstyle).
    > Sub GetPoint()
    > Dim PointObject As Object
    > Set PointObject = Selection
    > MsgBox ReturnPoint(PointObject)
    > End Sub
    > Function ReturnPoint(PointObject As Object) As String
    > Dim PointMarkerStyle As Variant
    > Dim SeriesNum As Integer
    > Dim PointNum As Integer
    > Dim x As Integer
    > PointMarkerStyle = PointObject.MarkerStyle
    > PointObject.MarkerStyle = xlStar
    > With ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(PointObject.Parent.Name)
    > SeriesNum = .PlotOrder
    > For x = 1 To .Points.Count
    > If .Points(x).MarkerStyle = xlStar Then
    > PointNum = x
    > Exit For
    > End If
    > Next
    > End With
    > PointObject.MarkerStyle = PointMarkerStyle
    > ReturnPoint = "S" & SeriesNum & "P" & PointNum
    > End Function
    > '-Eric Wells
    > 'Microsoft
    > </quote>
    > Ed Ferrero
    > http://edferrero.m6.net/
    >>You need to use an old-style XLM command for this, as Stephen Bullen
    >>pointed out in his post 14-Jan-2001:
    >>Sub WhichPoint()
    >> Dim sPoint As String
    >> Dim iSeries As Integer, iPoint As Integer
    >> sPoint = ExecuteExcel4Macro("SELECTION()")
    >> If sPoint Like "S*P*" Then
    >> iSeries = Val(Mid$(sPoint, 2))
    >> iPoint = Val(Mid$(sPoint, Len(iSeries) + 2))
    >> MsgBox "Series " & iSeries & ", Point " & iPoint
    >> Else
    >> MsgBox "Please select a single data point."
    >> End If
    >>End Sub
    >>- Jon
    >>Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
    >>Peltier Technical Services
    >>Tutorials and Custom Solutions
    >>Schlupp wrote:
    >>>I need help. I must get the index of a the currently selectd point in
    >>>the chart. I can't use the Mouseup event.
    >>>It will be better to determinate the x and y value from the actual
    >>>selected point but the index will also be good.
    >>>Please help!


  5. #5

    Re: HELP need index of the actual selected point

    Thats what I needed. Thankyou very much.


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