hello there,
would appreciate help and advice to help me.
i have six columns of data. the first column is a string variable, the
second and third columns are numerical variables (year, population size n).
these first three columns would be my y-axis on the left. if it would help
make it easier, then i can combine these three columns into one column (e.g.
arthur 1999 30,000) . the fourth, fifth and sixth columns are lower limit of
the point estimate's 95% confidence interval, point estimates itself and the
upper limit of 95% confidence interval (e.g. 0.32(0.51)0.73). these last
columns' values would be my x-axis e.g. 0 - 0.8.
i would like to be able to produce line chart where the point estimate is
represented by e.g. a dot with a horizontal line running through it and where
the horizontal line represents the 95% confidence interval limit. ideally too
i would like the dot to be able to be 'weighted' e.g. corresponding
proportionately to the size of the population.
i tried using chart wizard and custom but somehow could not even get
anywhere near the results that i wanted. so any help, advice and suggestion
would be appreciated.
when i searched the knowledge base, the nearest post that comes to my
requirement was entitled 'forest plots' but it did not contain suggestions
that i might be able to use. i have also tried excellent jon peltier sites
but did not find pointers there as well that i could use.
i am using w98se with office97 but push come to shove, i can find wxp pro
sp2 and office xp.
again thank you for help, advice and suggestions that would help me.
kind regards,