Both Excel 2000 and Word 2000 seem to individually support Unicode fonts
fully. However this support seems incomplete when Excel is embedded in Word.
For instance, if I embed an Excel chart in a Word document, and include the
Unicode character for square root (Arial font) in an x-axis label cell for
any categorical chart, then the character appears as the square root symbol
while I am editing in Excel, but as soon as I return to Word, it displays as
a question mark. This does not impact all Unicode characters, for instance
the lowercase Greek mu and sigma display correctly. My guess is that it
impacts characters further down in the Unicode table. For instance, I
included a Greek mu (above square root in the character map), square root,
and a randomly selected Arabic character (below square root in the character
map) in x-axis cells for the same embedded chart. When I returned to Word,
only the Greek mu displayed correctly.

Does anyone know of a workaround to get all Unicode characters (or at least
the square root) to display correctly? Using the symbol font for the square
root is not an option, because the axis labels must also include English

This seems to have been fixed by Office 2003, but I would like to maintain
the lowest common denominator among all the versions that this document
should be editable in.
