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Creating multiple Charts with Multiple Ranges of Data

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2003

    Creating multiple Charts with Multiple Ranges of Data

    Hi all! Newbie to your forum.

    I have recently begun studying Visual Basic from library books and find it most intriguing. I am currently working on a problem of creating multiple charts from multiple ranges of data. For instance:

    cells B2 thru E5 have data for chart1
    cells G2 thru J5 have data for chart2
    cells L2 thru O5 have data for chart3
    cells B8 thru E11 have data for chart4
    cells G8 thru J11 have data for chart5
    cells L8 thru O11 have data for chart6

    As you can see - the data will alway be located in array of cells 4wide by 4high.

    This goes on for another 6 charts.

    One problem I am having besides creating the charts is when no data exists in one of the arrays, no chart should be created.

    All charts will be placed on a worksheet named Charts.

    Once all charts have been created, I use another sub to automatically size and line up the charts. Then I will use an additional sub to create a gif file for a virtual snapshot of the charts created.

    Any help you can offer will certainly be appreciated.

    Thanks you
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  2. #2
    Forum Guru Andy Pope's Avatar
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    Re: Creating multiple Charts with Multiple Ranges of Data

    You did not include any of the code you have tried or even an example of the chart you are trying to create.

    As you are learning I will outline the approach I would take rather than simply give you code.

    Start by recording a macro of you creating a chart.

    Modify this code so it will take parameters such as range of cells.

    The create a loop to get the various range of cells and pass this information to the chart creation routine.

    You can use worksheet functions like COUNTA to determine empty ranges.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Creating multiple Charts with Multiple Ranges of Data

    Thanks Andy,

    I was able to crack it today. I will modify the code to change pertinent detail information, and then I will post it. I would love some pointers on how to make it less lengthy. After all, that is how I have been learning from your participants on this forum.

    Thanks again.

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