Hi all
First time posting on the forum, so I apologize if I don't explain myself that well with this issue.
The issue I am having is with formatting of the x-axis of charts I am making.
I am making a chart for shipments for every month.
For example, for the month of June, the X -Axis is drawing from "=June!$D$9:$D$39".
When I change the format of cells d9:d39 from *Wednesday, June 1, 2012" to "1-Jun", the format of the x-axis changes accordingly.
What I want is for the cells to have the "Wednesday, June 1, 2012" format, but the x-axis to have the "1-Jun" format ( a shorter format is better for the chart).
I can not seem to get the x-axis to be a different format than the cells.
At first I thought this was unavoidable, but I noticed some of the months are capable of having different formatted x-axis and cells.
I finally figured out that the determining factor was whether the months were 31 days, or 30 days.
For the 30 day months the x-axis can not be different than cells d9:d39.
For the 31 day months the x-axis can be a different format.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can have different formats for all 12 months?
Thanks in advance!