I want an x axis scale that is spaced logically and evenly, yet this seems to be an impossibility

The points of my graph do not have evenly spaced x values. for example, (10, 22) (12, 19) (23, 23). When I create the line chart using these coordinates, it makes the x axis of my line chart space incorrectly, saying that the x values of 10 and 12 are as far apart as 12 and 23. How is that logical? When I try to add, for example, increments of 5 on the x axis, it confuses the y values and x values, and I'm getting very frustrated. Ive tried formatting the axis to have a date setting instead of text, and that makes no different.

I would also like the x axis to start at 0 instead of 10, but if I click "select data" and add "0" as a horizontal axis label, then all of my points' y values are now incorrect, because I dont have a y value for "0".

Is there no way to seperate the x axis scale from the actual x values of the points? I want x axis labels that don't have y values associated with them, and y values that aren't necessarily located EXACTLY on top of x axis labels.

All I want is a NORMAL x axis. As it is, excel is quite disappointing.