I am pretty new to Pivotcharts, and I am about to tear my head off. Here is the raw data and the pivotchart layout I am working with.

Raw Data.png Pivottable.jpg

I want to have a pivotchart that shows the breakdown of application criticality by month in a stacked line graph, with filters on the date range and the option to select which criticality level you is shown. Default is showing them all stacked on top of each other, but I want to be able to see just, say level one application, or only one and two.

Right now, if I have the sum fields in Values, I cannot select which is shown on the graph at any given time. If I put them in Report FIlter then nothing shows up on the graph at all. The chart is getting embedded in a dashboard and I can't have people poking around the PivotTable Field List.

What would be ideal is if the buttons at the top actually toggled the data on and off, but that doesn't work.

Any suggestions?

Raw Data to play with:
Date Total Crit 1 Crit 2 Crit 3 Crit 4
2012-06-01 1468 55 114 465 834
2012-07-01 1444 45 116 455 828
2012-08-01 1464 42 126 461 835
2012-09-01 1472 58 111 467 836
2012-10-01 1493 58 129 471 835
2012-11-01 1488 40 124 477 847
2012-12-01 1519 52 132 480 856
2013-01-01 1517 45 123 483 866
2013-02-01 1523 48 133 481 860
2013-03-01 1537 45 128 486 879
2013-04-01 1542 55 119 487 882
2013-05-01 2249 79 138 588 1444