Hi, I need some guidance in creating a column chart where a column could be break and shorten when find an outlier.
For Example: we have sales data for months JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY and JUN
Sales ($mm)
JAN 10
FEB 12
MAR 11
APR 15
MAY 16
JUN 90

if I create a simple column chart, all columns will look very small in respect to JUN column. I want to show JUN column just a bit large in size rather outsizing all others columns (labels on top to show the data). I noticed one chart where the column of largest data was cut from the top in two and with a gap, data label was showing the exact value. Accordingly the index was also arranged. I believe I have stated the problem clearly. If not please let me know I will try to explain it further.

Thanks in advance,