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Rota summary of time gained with summary of time used - pivot two columns from single row

  1. #1
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    Excel 2010

    Rota summary of time gained with summary of time used - pivot two columns from single row

    Hi there folks,

    I have another conundrum. I'm sure this one is also easy - but it must be because it's Friday afternoon I can't figure it out.

    I have a rota in Excel where my rows are days. One of my agents performs on-call each day and "gains" time. So this is a two column table, with one column the agent initials, and the next column the accumulated time.

    Next to this I have another two columns for the loss of accumulated time. In theory, multiple agents could "use" time they have accumulated on a single day, but to keep it simple lets assume that just one agent can.

    So now I have four columns:

    Agent | Time gained this day | Agent | Time used this day
    AB | 2.5 | CD | 1
    AB | 2.5 | |
    AB | 2.5 | |
    AB | 1.5 | EF | 2.5
    CD | 2.5 | AB | 1.5

    What I'm trying to do is basically provide a summary of what each's agents accumulated time is. Total time accumulated is a simple pivot table, as is total time gained. But what I can't seem to do is combine the agent columns into a single column if you like so that the pivot table basically sums one column and subtracts the equivalent used time from the other.

    So what I would hope as an output would be:

    Agent | Total Time accumulated over period | Total time used over period | Currently available time
    AB | 9 | 1.5 | 7.5
    CD | 2.5 | 1 | 1.5
    EF | 0 | 2.5 | -2.5

    Any ideas anyone?



  2. #2
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Rota summary of time gained with summary of time used - pivot two columns from single

    can you restructure you data
    instead of
    Agent | Time gained this day | Agent | Time used this day
    AB | 2.5 | CD | 1
    AB | 2.5 | |
    AB | 2.5 | |
    AB | 1.5 | EF | 2.5
    CD | 2.5 | AB | 1.5

    where you have different agents on the same row - can you do

    Agent | Time gained this day | Time used this day
    AB | 2.5 |
    AB | 2.5 |
    AB | 2.5 |
    AB | 1.5 |
    CD | 2.5 |
    CD| ---- |1
    EF| ---- |2.5
    AB| ----|1.5

    then in a pivot table - that should now work as required
    and use a calculated field for the "Time used this day"

    if you had a column for date then you can group by days

    I have a sheet called original that has the data on as requested
    and on sheet "with day" i have added a date column and used a pivot table to show the figures each day

    Date | Agent | Time gained this day | Time used this day
    1/1/13 |AB | 2.5 |
    1/1/13 |AB | 2.5 |
    1/1/13 |AB | 2.5 |
    1/1/13 |CD| ----|1
    1/1/13 |EF| ---- |2.5
    1/1/13 |AB| ----|1.5
    2/1/13 |CD |4 |
    2/1/13 |EF |3 |
    2/1/13 |EF |---- |3.5
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    Last edited by etaf; 07-06-2013 at 05:26 AM.
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