I am very new to powerpivot and DAX functions and I need to calculate a rolling average without using any of the date/time DAX functions as I do not have any dates, I only have a value representing a # of days. All I can find is rolling average instructions using the specific date functions and can't figure out how to modify for my needs.
I have a Column that has values 0,1,2,3,...... representing a number of days. I have a column with corresponding production values for each of those days. I need to know the 7 day average for each #of days. Obviously the first 7 days won't be a 7 day average - because there won't be seven days worth of production data. So up to the first seven days I just want the 1 day average for day 1, 2 day average for day 2, 3 day average for day 3, etc.
Any suggestions would be extremely helpful.
Thank You.