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Chart Lengend to show marker style on hidden line - Line chart

  1. #1
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Chart Lengend to show marker style on hidden line - Line chart

    I have formated a Stacked Barchart and on one data series - cahnged to a line , formated the marker to the size of the bar and set to not show the line

    the problem is the bar data series legend is correct style for the 3d effects etc
    however the line marker is the same style - but its only showing the line and not the style ?

    any ideas

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  2. #2
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Chart Lengend to show marker style on hidden line - Line chart

    Could you post an example? (IMO, 3D should be avoided on charts at all costs)
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  3. #3
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Chart Lengend to show marker style on hidden line - Line chart

    Hi, sorry for the delay,
    your right , i picked this up from someone who is leaving in a few weeks and I'm now changing all the graphs to NONE 3D
    however, I will still be using a line graph as a Bar graph

    i have attached an example

    the Target - is where I have used a Line Graph and just shown the Marker to make a bar

    if all the 3D is removed , which i'm doing tomorrow morning - it will still show a line and not a block in the legend

    any ideas - thanks
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  4. #4
    Forum Expert romperstomper's Avatar
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    Re: Chart Lengend to show marker style on hidden line - Line chart

    Assuming you are referring to the Target series, there are two of those. The one displayed in the Legend (the other has had its legend entry removed) is not the one you have formatted as you describe. If you delete the legend and reinstate it, you should see what I mean.

  5. #5
    Forum Expert etaf's Avatar
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    Re: Chart Lengend to show marker style on hidden line - Line chart

    oh wow - that was easy, excellent - thanks very much for doing that

    I guess I kept the legends for the main primary series and because the secondary series is just one data element it appears to pick up the marker

    great all solved

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