Hello All:

I'm trying to create a bubble graph but the information it displays is never the info I want. My table has 3 columns and 47 rows.

ES Pts Trans
CAMPER 987 2
KM 13 - 1 884 3
SANTIGA 1.281 2

Once I bubble graph this, the Pts Column (B1) show is Y Axis so far so good. But... the X Axis does not present the Trans column (C1...) but it shows a count of how many items there is in the column. Since there are 6 rows, the X Axis shoes me a scale of 2 to 6.

What I'm trying to do is a bubble graph that shows (a bubble is represented by de A row (ES) column B (Pts) in the Y Axis and column C in the X axis.

CAN SOMEONE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP....Its an urgent thing for me.

Thank you all very much.

Regards Tony