
I've been tinkering with this data for a while and I've gotten it to display the correct range of dates along my x axis, however I would like to know how to get the specific dates these samples were collected.

For example, I am doing a scatter plot where my x values (dates) are February 2012, April 2012...April 2013 and there are multiple y values per date. From snooping around this site and google, some have suggested that "Axis Options" and select "Text" will fix my problem, and I am sure it would, HOWEVER my Axis Options doesn't have the option Text for me to select.

I know it is possible for line graphs, but I really need this data presented as a scatter plot. Below is everything I've tried to do:

-Add my data as a line graph first and then change it into a scatter plot, doesn't work, it only takes into consideration ONE date only and I have multiple dates.
-As a scatter plot, fixed my x ranges (min/max, and major/minor), this is the closest I've gotten to what I wanted... but it's not good enough

I'm sure I did other things, but I can't type them all out right now.

Thanks for any help!