Hello all,

I have an .xlsm file with 15+ Pivot Tables.

I've created (successfully) external Excel file with "Raw Data".

There are 10+ columns with Numeric values in them.

I go to "Data" Tab -> "Get External Data" -> "From Other Sources" -> "From Microsoft Query".
There is a good connection for my "Raw Data" file.


I’ve created 10 Pivot tables and everything is fine.
I’ve used 10 columns of data already, no issues.

Now I’m creating new Pivots in the same sheet and using same External “Raw Data” file.

I’m using data from column 11 and 12.

I’m doing Averages in my Pivots.

Getting error in my Pivot: “#DIV/0!”

I did double clicked the value (in the Pivot), new “Sheet1” popped and I look at column 11
It’s formatted as “General”!
And has little green triangle in the left upper corner “Number Stored as Text”????
It looks like it got changed somewhere between my source file and my Pivot???

BTW: my source has 90 000+ rows.
