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Create a dependent drop down list with dynamic list

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2010

    Create a dependent drop down list with dynamic list


    I need to create a 2-stage dependent drop down list.

    Stage 1:
    In cell G7 (on a tab called 'Data'), I have created a drop down list based on a range name called 'Region' - no help needed here

    Stage 2:
    In cell G8, I need to create a drop down list which is dependent on the value chosen in G7.

    Problem is, I will need to create a dynamic range name here which needs to vlookup or match the value from G7 in a dynamic list of data (the data is on different tab called 'RCA Data' and is spread over columns A:E with row A for headings - the data will go down an undetermined number of rows)

    Every time the value in G7 matches a value in the 'RCA data' (the potential matches are stored in column D) I need the corresponding cell value in column C to be added to the dynamic list. This list then needs to be available to choose from a drop down list in G8.


  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Excel 2010

    Re: Create a dependent drop down list with dynamic list

    If absoluteley necessary, I can switch around the columns so that vlookup works to the right (i.e. searches to column E from D instead of C from D) because I know there are problems searching left of a match

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