hello, I am hoping that someone might be able to help a frustrated user, I am trying to create the values in the 2nd column based on values in first column
In cell A1 , it looks at the previous figure in column A, and because its different( there isn't a figure prior to this), it thinks it is different so the first value in A1 will read Text_01. When looking at A2, it looks at value in A1 and because different returns a value of Text_01 again because they are different, it then looks at A3 and because this is different from A2 it returns a value Text_01 again. However when looking at A4 because it detects that it is the same as A3 it returns a value of Text_02. When looking at A4 because it differs from A3 it again returns a value of Text_01 , and so on
Is there a function in Excel that can do this for me, or do I need to get an additional program in which case can anyone advise where I can get
many thanks in advance for your help
5052267066355 Text_01
5052267066577 Text_01
5052267066645 Text_01
5052267066645 Text_02
5052267066652 Text_01
5052267066676 Text_01
5052267066676 Text_02
5052267066713 Text_01
5052267067796 Text_01
5052267067796 Text_02
5052267067833 Text_01
5052267067840 Text_01