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What Excel function would you use to recreate an ever in creasing number of text Results

  1. #1
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    What Excel function would you use to recreate an ever in creasing number of text Results

    hello, I am hoping that someone might be able to help a frustrated user, I am trying to create the values in the 2nd column based on values in first column
    In cell A1 , it looks at the previous figure in column A, and because its different( there isn't a figure prior to this), it thinks it is different so the first value in A1 will read Text_01. When looking at A2, it looks at value in A1 and because different returns a value of Text_01 again because they are different, it then looks at A3 and because this is different from A2 it returns a value Text_01 again. However when looking at A4 because it detects that it is the same as A3 it returns a value of Text_02. When looking at A4 because it differs from A3 it again returns a value of Text_01 , and so on

    Is there a function in Excel that can do this for me, or do I need to get an additional program in which case can anyone advise where I can get

    many thanks in advance for your help

    5052267066355 Text_01
    5052267066577 Text_01
    5052267066645 Text_01
    5052267066645 Text_02
    5052267066652 Text_01
    5052267066676 Text_01
    5052267066676 Text_02
    5052267066713 Text_01
    5052267067796 Text_01
    5052267067796 Text_02
    5052267067833 Text_01
    5052267067840 Text_01
    Last edited by mjd128; 04-18-2014 at 02:33 PM. Reason: asked to change title

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: help with an excel function

    Yes. In B1:


    In B2, copied down:


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    Re: help with an excel function

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  4. #4
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    What Excel function would you use to recreate an ever in creasing number of text Results

    hello, many thanks for that, that was greatupo
    I should have said sometimes you can get as many as 10 and maybe more , how would I approach this is it needed to return greater numbers, ie up to Text_50

    would I need a program as the formula would be quite complicated, the column could read:

    5052267069936 Text_01
    5052267070062 Text_01
    5052267070161 Text_01
    5052267070185 Text_01
    5052267070284 Text_01
    5052267070314 Text_01
    5052267070321 Text_01
    5052267070376 Text_01
    5052267070376 Text_02
    5052267070376 Text_03
    5052267070376 Text_04
    5052267070376 Text_05
    5052267070376 Text_06
    5052267070376 Text_07
    5052267070376 Text_08
    5052267070376 Text_09
    5052267070376 Text_10

    Thanks so much
    Last edited by mjd128; 04-18-2014 at 02:33 PM.

  5. #5
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: help with an excel function

    Easily done, but please comply with the request to change the thread title first.

  6. #6
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    Re: What Excel function would you use to recreate an ever in creasing number of text Resul

    sorry, was difficult to know the correct question to ask?

  7. #7
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: What Excel function would you use to recreate an ever in creasing number of text Resul

    Try this in B2, copied down:


    It would be neater if you could manage without that leading 0, though:


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    Re: What Excel function would you use to recreate an ever in creasing number of text Resul

    Thank you so much, that is fantastic and has saved me a lot of searching

    At present I think I am a guest, how can I become a full member, I feel obliged to do this with the work you have saved me

    Is there a joining fee?

  9. #9
    Forum Moderator alansidman's Avatar
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    Re: What Excel function would you use to recreate an ever in creasing number of text Resul

    You are a member of the forum as you have registered. You could not post as a guest. There is no fee. Please read over our rules to have a better understanding of how the forum operates.

    Welcome to the forum.

    If that takes care of your original question, please select Thread Tools from the menu link above and mark this thread as SOLVED. Thanks.

  10. #10
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    Re: What Excel function would you use to recreate an ever in creasing number of text Resul

    OK many thanks for all your help

  11. #11
    Forum Moderator AliGW's Avatar
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    Re: What Excel function would you use to recreate an ever in creasing number of text Resul

    Quote Originally Posted by mjd128 View Post
    OK many thanks for all your help
    You are welcome!

  12. #12
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    Re: What Excel function would you use to recreate an ever in creasing number of text Resul


    In order to work that formula, column A items must be grouped together. ie: If you enter 5052267069936 in A17 formula returns Text_1, but as this 2nd occurrence must be Text_2?

    This version will work grouped or ungrouped data. B1 then copied down.

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  13. #13
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    Re: What Excel function would you use to recreate an ever in creasing number of text Resul

    Quote Originally Posted by Haseeb A View Post
    A nice improvement!

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