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If function for time more or equal to 2 minutes

  1. #1
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    If function for time more or equal to 2 minutes

    I am a total newbie in Excel. I've been trying to find an answer to my problem on multiple forums without success. Can someone help me step by step resolve my issue.

    I have in Column E(E1: E703) a list of time differences in the following format: 0:02:14 with hh:mm:ss
    I managed to obtain these time differences by doing the following formula: =TEXT(B5-B4,"h:mm:ss")

    In column F, I want to create a formula that labels all values more or equal to 1 minute from Column E and label those as "new animal".
    I have tried the following formula for cell E11 with value 0:04:38 (clearly over 1 minute):
    =IF(E11>TIME(0,1,0),1,"new animal") but it shows up as "1".

    Can someone clearly explain to me what I am doing wrong?
    Thanks a lot

  2. #2
    Forum Guru :) Sixthsense :)'s Avatar
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    Re: If function for time more or equal to 2 minutes

    Use value in-front of E11 reference. Because you used =TEXT(B5-B4,"h:mm:ss") which will get only the text output instead of real time.

    =IF(value(E11)>TIME(0,1,0),1,"new animal")

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  3. #3
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    Re: If function for time more or equal to 2 minutes

    Thanks for your help but it does not work. All results come up as "animal" even if it's less than 1 minute.
    Can someone help me with this?
    I've put the exact same formula but does not work.

  4. #4
    Forum Expert Tony Valko's Avatar
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    Re: If function for time more or equal to 2 minutes

    Can someone clearly explain to me what I am doing wrong?
    You're using this formula:

    That is returning a TEXT string. Then you're comparing the text value against the numeric value of TIME(0,1,0). In Excel TEXT has a higher value than any number so:

    E11>TIME(0,1,0) will ALWAYS be TRUE which is why your formula always returns 1.

    Instead of:


    All you need is:


    Then format as h:mm:ss

    You should be able to use your original formula (unless the cell format of E11 is screwed up!):

    =IF(E11>TIME(0,1,0),1,"new animal")
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