
I am working on an audit template at work and have received some help here before and was hoping someone could help me out again to put the final touch on it. Currently I am using the following formula to look for four variables within a range of text cells and return a modified true/fasle response. =IF(OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"D ","D14","Disco","Discontinued"},H2))),"Sage Discontinued","Sage Active"). The formula works great, except for that first variable D (as a text character with a space after it). This is the primary way our staffers use to indicate that a product is discontinued, but searching on that variable as it stands in the formula is returning a LOT of false positives as many words within the range the formula is searching within end with a D and are followed by a space. Is there a way to modify the formula as it is to search for that D 'space' variable only within the first two characters of the cell? The D14, Disco, and Discontinued variables all need to retain the ability to search through the entire text within the cell.