I am currently trying to find a better way to track quantities of delivered material from multiple suppliers. I have a attached a sample of what I am trying to do. In the "totals" sheet Row 3 is working as planned. There are a couple of issues that I am having with my formatting as is. First off in my "raw" data sheet there is an empty row between each row of numbers (this is they way I am sent the information from the supplier). This empty row causes my totals to place a Q everywhere column A on "Raw" is not filled with "B". Is there a way to have the totals sheet only pull from the cells with values in them?

My other question is how I would be able to get the values for material, Net wt., and Charges to populate if Column A in "Raw" is Q?

I hope I explained this clear enough, if not let me know and I will try to ellaborate more.


Quantity Tracking.xlsx