Want to keep an eye on the accuracy of my ISP's usage meter
The ISP provides me with daily info expressed in GB's

I am watching usage using pfSense vnstat2, this gives me a table of readings i can cut n' paste into excel
The problem is that those readings are mixed number/data e.g.
12 June "12.1 GB"
13 June "345 MB"
14 June "256 MB"
15 June "34.0 GB"


So I can remove the GB and associated space before it with replace function, replacing with nothing
But is there any way to have a function or a macro to find all cells with " MB" in them, remove the " MB", then multiply by 0.001 to convert to GB's?

The other less accurate option would be to replace all such cells with 0.0005, approximating to their GB value, or just replacing with "0", as these small values have little influence on accuracy of data meters

But I was hoping to automate this as above, both as a learning exercise and to get fully accurate
