To whomever may help me with this issue,

I have attached an example worksheet that further explains my problem and contains some sample data mirroring the format of my own work. It should be able to stand alone.


However, I will also explain the issue here: I am working on a spread sheet that contains two lists of names. Although each list is comprised of the same individuals, only the master list contains a single entry for each name. The second list can have multiple entries for each individual. The second list is also assocaited with a variety of data entries in adjacent columns that I would like to tie to the names in the master list.

I do not know how to automatically select a name from the master list, find the same name in the secondary list, and populate a new column with a data entry that was previously only linked to the secondary list. For example, "John" is a name entry on the master list. His name appears several times on the secondary list and each of these entries is assocaited with the value "5." On John's row from the master list, I would like to have a new entry added that shows his name is linked to the value of "5" as indicated by the secondary list. I do not know how to build a function that accomplishes this though.

From my own efforts, I can locate duplicate entries. For example, I can use the Match function to show that "John" from the master list is on the secondary list; however, I can not use that information to further identify any of the other cells assocaited with the secondary list nor can I populate a new column with that data.

Thank you all in advance for any help you can offer.