Hello, I’m seeking the sacred knowledge of you excel experts. I’m seeking to broaden my excel knowledge and learn how to use a formula more efficiently in Excel 2010.

The attached spreadsheet shows a list of contracts our customers are on.

Matches Based on more than one criteria.xlsx
These lists can easily be over 30,000 lines at times. I want to quickly be able to sort or filter this list according to matches with multiple criteria. In the example Column G Shows my customer criteria and column H shows my contract criteria. In column F I’ve created a formula that will return “true” only if the customer data for that row matches the customer and contract criteria I set up in columns G and H.

The Formula I used is =AND(ISNUMBER(MATCH(A2,G$2:G$10,0)),ISNUMBER(MATCH(E2,H$2:H$7,0)))

So with this formula I will get the result True for every row that has Customer 1 through 9 and is also on contract 1 through 6

What are some other, possibly better formulas I could use to get this information? This example just uses two criteria (customer and contract) but sometimes I have 3 or 4 criteria and my formula wont work in these cases (too many arguments right?). Is there a formula that would be better suited for more criteria?
Thank you