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Link/reference problem

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    Link/reference problem

    Dear Reader,

    First of all, I'm new to this forum and haven't written/posted a lot (if any) on forums so please excuse me if I'm violating some of the internet's unwritten codes of conduct.

    That being said, Im having a nasty problem with my references/links in Excel 2010. Of course, I'm hoping that you can help me to solve it!

    Lets say I have two sheets open in one workbook (Sheet1 and Sheet2).

    In Sheet 1, I have a bunch companies posted vertically in column A, while having the indicator 'Revenues' in the next column, column B. This looks like the following

    <Column A> <Column B>
    A1 Company 1 B1 10
    A2 Company 2 B2 20
    A3 Company 3 B3 15
    AX Company X Y

    In Cell A1 on Sheet2, I return the Revenues of Company 1 by simply linking to the value in Sheet1:

    Cell A1: =Sheet1!B1

    This yields the value 10. I do this for all values:

    Cell A2 =Sheet1!B2
    Cell A3 =Sheet1!B3

    So far, all goes well. However (this is where it gets difficult, at least, for me), lets say that the companies are not listed directly below each other. Lets say each company is listed exactly 50 rows below the next one. This changes the situation to:

    <Column A> <Column B>
    A1 Company 1 B1 10

    A51 Company 2 B51 20

    A101 Company 3 B101 15


    AZ Company Z BZ Y

    Z = (1+50(n-1)) (with n companies) <- This last bit is irrelevant for my question but I figured I'd be 100% transparant on my first post (hihi!)

    Now, my question is: is there a way, so that I can change the formula to match the new reference locations (i.e. change =Sheet1!B2 to =Sheet1!B51, =Sheet1!B3 to =Sheet1!B101 and so on) WITHOUT having to retype the changes inside each formula?

    Of course, I couldve used OFFSET() to begin with and then add the extra rows. But lets say someone else made the workbook and used the little kiddy references described in the example (btw it was me. I made the little kiddy references).

    Lets put this problem in other words:

    On sheet1 there are again different companies listed in Column A and revenues in Column B. The companies are spread equally with row difference 50. Which yields the following list:

    <Column A> <Column B>
    A1 Company 1 B1 10
    A51 Company 2 B51 20
    A101 Company 3 B101 15

    On sheet2 I want to reference, again:

    A1 =Sheet1!B1
    A2 =Sheet1!B51
    A3 =Sheet1!B101

    Notice that I need B to jump 50 rows each time I add a new reference.

    Essentially I need something that basically allows me to change the part of the reference (B...) with +50 each step down. I've tried doing crazy stuff like:

    Column A Column B Column C
    A1 =Sheet1!B1 B1 C1 =50
    A2 =A1+$C$1 B2 C2
    A3 =A2+$C$1

    But this obviously did not work (duh!) and did not cause the reference to rewrite itself to:

    A1 =Sheet1!B1
    A2 =Sheet1!(B1+50)

    Oh and btw I've tried:

    Column A Column B Column C
    A1 =Sheet1!B1 C1 =50
    A2 =Sheet1!(B1+$C$1)





    Apparently I cannot attach files or copy paste pictures.
    Last edited by Hieronymus5; 09-09-2014 at 11:59 AM.

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