Hi, I am hoping someone can help me solve this.

I have six rows of data Date Field (01/2014) Vendor, Company, Product, Gross Profit and Revenue

In another worksheet i am trying to do a sumif based on a selected date range however my formula keeps returning a #value sign and i can't figure out why.

One one tab i have a date lookup (Data Validation) looking up the 1st column in my data sheet like this:
Start Date = 01/2014
End Date = 02/2014

In the data there are multiple data points with this date.

In the lookup field where my sumifs is i have it saying sum ifs where "3M" matches these date ranges but its returning a #value sign everytime. I've tried to troubleshoot and it still isn't working.

Here is an example of my formula = =SUMIFS(BigSumRange,BigRange1,$H50,BigDateRange,">="&$P$48,BigDateRange,">="&$R$48)

and a few rows of my data with an example of what i am trying to do. I am building a cascading drop dop in another workbook but i don't think that should change the sumif.