I am going to try and explain what i need to accomplish. I am setting up a budget that gets rolled forward every year. every year I need to add an actual amount to a column of data. I also have to update sheets to show what the actual was for the year. every year, an old year comes off, and a new one comes on. I created a table named TBData which shows actual data:

account # description 2011 2012 2013 actual to 10/31/14
1000 expense1 5,000 3,000 3,600 4,500
(the real table (TBData) has about 120 accounts)
next year, i will be adding a "2014 column between 2013 and actual to 10/31/14

on my "analysis" tab, i show the following:
account # description 2012 budget 2012 actual 2013 budget 2013 actual 2014 budget actual to 10/31/14
next year, this tab will look like this:
account # description 2013 budget 2013 actual 2014 budget 2014 actual actual to 10/31/2015

on the "analysis" tab, i am trying to write a sumifs formula that uses another cell as a reference as follows:
What my goal is to accomplish, is to change the 2012 in the formula to 2013. in the past, it was a pain in the rump as the formula had to be recopied down. I want to reference the 2012 in this formula to another cell and then when i have to change the year, i just enter it in the referenced cell. does anyone have any suggestions?