Hi everyone,

My Excel knowledge is at a fairly basic level, so I'm sure this is very straightforward for an Advanced User.

I've been playing around with the IF Function for ages and can't quite get it to go as there are multiple logical tests to include in one cell and that's a bit much for me.

Attached is the sheet I'm working on.

I'm looking for the If function in J3-6, M3-6, P3-6 and S36. If the current figure is between:

0-49.9% I want the Factor to be 0.
50-74.9% I want the Factor to be 2.
75-99.9% I want the Factor to be 4
100-124.9% I want the Factor to be 6
125-149.9% I want the Factor to be 8.5
150+ I want the Factor to be 10

If you could help me with this "advanced" (to me anyway) If function that would be great.

Thank you allHow To If.xlsx