Pls help me!
Is it possible to use the vlookup where my data has a value with a 3 decimal places?

for Ex. I want to display the result or data on Cell C1 (which computing the Cell B1 and A1) on Cell D1 by using vlookup function on Cell D1 (Matching value of Cell C1 to my Table Array)

Here it goes..

A1 = (has formula)
B1 = (has formula)
C1 = (has also a formula which computing cell B1 and A1)

*for example let say the ANSWER on Cell C1 is 1.13 (1.125 in 3 decimal places)

Table Array (in 2 decimal only)

1.10 =1
1.11 =1
1.12 =1
1.13 = 1.25
1.14 = 1.25
115 = 1.25

Meaning that when my data on C1 is 1.12 the result on Cell D1 will be 1. And that is ok no problem on that. But when the result on C1 is already 3 decimal places of course it will be not matched on my Table Array. That's why I add on my formula a Truncate or Roundup function inside my vlookup (hope I am using the right formula/concept).

So here are my problem

1. When I used the Truncate the result were matched on my Table Array but It did not rounded up
2. But when I used the Roundup it look likes it is not rounded correctly
3. When the result on Cell C1 is 3 decimal ex 1.125 (1.13 when rounded up) the result should be 1.25 on Cell D1 but it always display 1.

My other solution was; when i got the result on Cell C1 either 2 or 3 decimal places I rounded first then encode to Cell D1 then my vlookup function will be on Cell E1. And it looks like that It cant help me to simplify my formula.

Thank you for your help. Hope my explanation is clear :D

Thank you