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Google Sheets Array Formula Structure

  1. #1
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    Google Sheets Array Formula Structure

    I'm attempting to pull a list from another sheet where I have labeled scattered rows with the note "Hold" using an array formula and here is what I have so far:

    =ArrayFormula(IFERROR(INDEX('Sheet 1'!A$8:A$837,SMALL(IF('Sheet 1'!$BR$8:$BR$837,"*Hold*",ROW('Sheet 1'!A$8:A$837)-ROW('Sheet 1'!A$8)+1),ROWS('Sheet 1'!A$8:A8))),""))

    I'm no expert with building formulas but I feel like what I have makes sense logically, I'm just not returning any results and I have no idea why. When I remove the SMALL formula, it will pull a list of everything from the first column in my other sheet, which is not what I want but at least I know its pulling it from the correct places. Could anyone offer any suggestions? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Forum Guru Jonmo1's Avatar
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    Re: Google Sheets Array Formula Structure

    I think it's the use of the wildcard in "*Hold*"
    That won't work here, because it's processing 1 cell at a time, and saying does BR8 = "*Hold*"

    In a one-off value to value comparison, wildcards don't work, the * is treated literally.

    Try changing
    'Sheet 1'!$BR$8:$BR$837,"*Hold*"
    ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Hold",'Sheet 1'!$BR$8:$BR$837))

  3. #3
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    Re: Google Sheets Array Formula Structure

    That worked perfectly! Thank you so much for your help, this is such a relief.

  4. #4
    Forum Guru Jonmo1's Avatar
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    Re: Google Sheets Array Formula Structure

    You're welcome.

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