Hi all,

I want to make a dynamic section in a formula/link.

for example, I want a Vlookup/ datalink to this file: C:\Users\*****\Documents\[January.xlsx]Sheet2'!$C$27

but I want to have the name of the user + the month variable to easy change ( I dont want to go through edit links, as this is not function anymore)

so what I would like to have is to have the destination in a separate cell with the user & month linked to dropdown lists, all this I know how to do to display the text as I want to have the location.

but when I would like to really use this link it doesn't work. for example the text with dynamic function C:\Users\*****\Documents\[January.xlsx]Sheet2'!$C$27 is typed in cell A1 and in cell A2 I really want to have the value, so I tought to type =A1 or ='A1'. but all this doesn't work.

does somebody has an idea how this can be solved?
