Name Shift Home Unit Date 1 Date 2 Call-Off Turn Count 1 Freq.
Name Shift Hunit Date1 Date2 Call-off Count1 Freq1
AB 1 CVICU 07/14/13 637
Bev 1 CVICU 05/19/13 693
EF 1 CVICU 02/14/13 08/07/13 613
Gre 1 CVICU 07/27/13 624
Gro 1 CVICU 02/14/15 06/01/13 57
Lar 1 CVICU 06/07/13 674
Ler 1 CVICU 07/30/13 621
MN 1 CVICU 07/09/13 642
Stp 1 CVICU 11/05/13 523
WX 1 CVICU 08/28/13 07/07/11 592
ZZ 1 CVICU 05/19/13 02/17/12 693
Bry 2 CVICU 05/19/13 693
CD 2 CVICU 03/18/15 25
For 2 CVICU 08/20/13 600
Lew 2 CVICU 12/24/11 06/07/13 674
Mat 2 CVICU 07/11/11 06/15/13 666

Formula to calculate oldest date.

Attempting to create a rolling count such that whenever a new date is entered (today's date) into column T or U, a count is incremented by 1 otherwise the count remains the same until a future date becomes changed when it becomes a today's date.
Have tried count, countif. Do I need a macro to do this behind the scene? Can I exploit the tracking programs that monitor changes in the work sheet?
Be aware that multiple sorts may occur without changing the data within the sheet. I do not want the data to increment every time a sort is completed.

Help would be appreciated.