Good day,

I receive a exported file from a Project tracking system we have that details projects, and the personnel assigned to those projects along with the % of time required per month. I am trying to build a sheet that would summarize the effort by person using Index Match (as there are some naming conventions on the export that prevent the use of a pivot table).

I am able to get a summary of the data, but not able to pull the names of the projects each resource is assigned to.

I have attached a sample sheet. On the PMO tab, there is a resource listed, and a summary of the time assigned to projects on the "Roadmap" tab and on the vacation tab.

I am trying to list the specific projects below the resource using the formula:

=IFERROR(INDEX('Roadmap w Resources'!$O$1:$O$1000,SMALL(IF('Roadmap w Resources'!$A$1:$A$1000="*"&$B$4&"*",ROW('Roadmap w Resources'!$A$1:$A$1000)-ROW('Roadmap w Resources'!$A$1:$A$1000)+1),ROWS($B$7:B7))),"")

Which does list the first entry for this resource, however when I enter as an array I get no data.

Please let me know if you require further information.

Thanks so much for the assistance!

