Dear All
i am new to this forum and am relatively new to working with spreadsheets. Please could someone advise me if there is a formula or a function i can use to subract numbers which are listed as fine grades using a combination of numbers and grades .
For example if I wanted to subtract 4c from 5b then I would be left with difference of minus 4 fine grades .
The numbers I need to use will range from 1 - 8 and the fine grading system is c-a with c being the lowest grade and -a the highest.
I am familiar with both IMSUB and LOOKUPS and am wondering if i will manually have to work out the difference between the scores and then input or if it will be necessary to create a Lookup page which will incorporate a variety of subtraction models or is there a formula which I can apply.
Unfortunately , I don't know all of the techinical names for the various functions and am hoping that some one who is more knowledgeable in this field can provide me with more time effective option .
Many thanks in anticipation of a successful response