hello, I really need help with this.
I have two sheets- the first one has an option to put in a date range as seen below:
Start Date End Date
14/07/2015 22/07/2015
in the second sheet i have a yearly schedule for all my staff, but the way i have it laid out is the number of staff that will be in the office in the first column and the date will be in the second column, like below:
staffed Date
20 13/07/2015
21 14/07/2015
22 15/07/2015
20 16/07/2015
19 17/07/2015
What i need the formula to do is check the date range in the first sheet against the numbers and dates in the second one and return a value.
Example- i put a start and end date of my holidays into it, it checks the sheet and if i have less than 20 staffed on any of the dates specified it will say rejected. put if there is 20 or more staffed each day it will say approved.
I have added screen shots in the hope that i helps you to understand what i mean![]()