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Auto-Inserting Percentages

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    Auto-Inserting Percentages

    Hi Everyone!

    I'm brand new to Excel and am having difficulty setting up a spreadsheet for data analysis.

    If anyone can help on any ONE of these things, I would be so thankful to you!

    This is a craps (casino game) dice throwing tracking spreadsheet. It basically just tracks your dice throws, sums the amount of throws, the throws results/statistics, etc.

    I'm attaching the spreadsheet I've created so far if anyone wants to see what it looks like...Attachment 407486

    1) [SOLVED BY gmr4ever1] Is there any way for you to automatically press "Tab" (or another key) to go down to the next row?
    If having to input a number for Column A, press Tab, input a number for Column B, then go down to the next row in Column A to enter the next data set and so on. It's an additional step having to grab the mouse, click into Column A's next row, and start over again (instead of being able to just input the data, press a key, etc).

    2) SOLVED How do you calculate the number of rows I've entered automatically, continuously?
    As I enter the data in Columns A & B, each in a new row, the number of total dice rolls accumulates. I have a "Total Rows" sum that counts how many rolls I've made. I'm not sure how to calculate this because I start my rolls on Column A/B, Row 2

    3) [SOLVED BY gmr4ever1] How do you calculate how many times a certain number shows up in Column A?
    Each die has 6 numbers on it (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). If you have 300 entries for Die 1 (Which is entered in Column A), how do you calculate and insert (automatically, as more data is entered) that value into another cell? For example, Die 1, #1, I have the sum in Column F, Row 6. For the #2, Column F, Row 7 and so on...

    There's obviously more that needs to be done but I don't want to ask too much.

    - Jennifer
    Last edited by Jennifer2010; 07-15-2015 at 03:47 PM.

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