I have a “database” in excel with 193 dynamic named ranges
Most columns are a dynamic named range. Some use the OFFSET & COUNTA functions and some use the INDEX & COUNTA functions.

In my calculating workbook I have many formulas such as the one below:

{ = IF(ISERROR(INDEX(‘CCDatabase.xlsm'!RngDbRMSL,MATCH(1,(‘CCDatabase.xlsm'!RngDbRMCD=$CU24)*(‘CCDatabase.xlsm'!RngDbRMG = $CH24)*( ‘CCDatabase.xlsm'!RngDbRMSL>=$CP24),0),1)),
MAX(IF(‘CCDatabase.xlsm'!RngDbRMCD=$CU24,IF( ‘CCDatabase.xlsm'!RngDbRMG = $CH24,’CCDatabase.xlsm'!RngDbRMSL))),
INDEX(‘CCDatabase.xlsm'!RngDbRMSL,MATCH(1,(‘CCDatabase.xlsm'!RngDbRMCD=$CU24)*( ‘CCDatabase.xlsm'!RngDbRMG = $CH24)*(‘CCDatabase.xlsm'!RngDbRMSL>=$CP24),0),1)) }

(FYI, “RM” is the code for the sheet name and “SL” is the code for the column name so I know what the named range means and it’s location.)

Unfortunately the database has to be open for most of my formulas to calculate.

If I change my ranges of data in the database to Excel “TABLES” (Insert > Table) can I then somehow refer to the columns by their headers and eliminate my dynamic named ranges?