(my previous post has forum database error sorry for double posting)

Hello everyone, greetings from London.

Can I please get your help with the attached file?
I would like to sum employee holiday hours on sheet "HOL"
On "Hol" sheet columns C6:N6 i have months listed which correspond to sheet names.

I would like to sum each sheet column G, if sheet name corresponds to cells C6:N6 and employee name listed on "Hol" tab in A:A, on M1-M12 sheets employee name can be found in column A as well.

I assume i need some kind of match/index formula to sumifs G:G if sheet name matches C6:N6, and A:A on individual sheets equals A:A on "HOL" tab.
Please find attached.
Hope someone will be so kind to help a newbie out.
Thank you for your time in advance!
Have a great day!wages..xlsx