Afternoon all.

I have a database on sheet 2 with various data on it and would like to create a search box on sheet one that will search the data base and display the relevant data.

I've had various attempts at this but am getting no where and I'm very close to being defeated, (I'm completely new to excel)

on sheet one I have created a search box and on sheet 2 I have defined various ranges, i.e Asset, Logger, Alert, Validation and Box.

The ranges are above are as follows:-

•"=OFFSET(Sheet2!$A$2,0,0,COUNTA(Shee2!$A:$A)-1)" -----ASSET
•"=OFFSET(Sheet2!$B$2,0,0,COUNTA(Shee2!$B:$B)-1)" -----LOGGER
•"=OFFSET(Sheet2!$C$2,0,0,COUNTA(Shee2!$C:$C)-1)" -----ALERT
•"=OFFSET(Sheet2!$D$2,0,0,COUNTA(Shee2!$D:$D)-1)" -----VALIDATION
•"=OFFSET(Sheet2!$E$2,0,0,COUNTA(Shee2!$E:$E)-1)" ------BOX

My search box on sheet one is set in C2 as follows:-

2.Click "C6" and type "=IF($C$2="", "", $C$2)".
3.Click "C7" and type "=IF($C$2="", "", INDEX(LOGGER,MATCH($C$2,ASSET,0)))".
4.Click "C8" and type "=IF($C$2="", "", INDEX(ALERT,MATCH($C$2,ASSET,0)))".
5.Click "C9" and type "=IF($C$2="", "", INDEX(VALIDATION,MATCH($C$2,ASSET,0)))".
6.Click "C10" and type "=IF($C$2="", "", INDEX(BOX,MATCH($C$2,ASSET,0)))".

the issue i'm having is when I'm entering my search the search results all populate with #VALUE!

I have no idea what i'm doing wrong, any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you