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Returning different values if cell falls between a certain date range

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  1. #1
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    Returning different values if cell falls between a certain date range

    Hi everyone!

    I've used hundreds of these threads to help me solve errors before, but have never really posted one myself. Unfortunately, this particular issue I am having I've been unable to work out on my own no matter how hard I try, so I'm hoping this means you guys can help me out

    Here is the issue I'm having:

    I have a spreadsheet with a set of dates. My goal is to be able to have a separate column with a formula that looks at that date and throws back a value based on when the date in question falls between a certain time frame. More specifically, month.


    In the above image, I want a formula to put in the "Month" column that will function like this:
    "If START DATE falls on a day in January, return "JANUARY" to the cell in the month field. If START DATE falls on a day in February, return "FEBRUARY" to the cell in the month field. Etc."
    So it would essentially have 12 different possible values it could return (one for each month).

    The closest I've been able to find is this: =IF(AND(A2>=DATE(2015,1,1),A2<=DATE(2015,1,31)),"January",""), which functions perfectly fine to return a single value, but I am looking for something that will give me multiple values based on different criteria. I've tried tinkering with the above formula to add in different values, but I just can't seem to find what I'm looking for.

    Does anyone know if this is possible? Is it simply too large a function for the formula to handle? Any and all help would be greatly appreciated as I cam pulling my hair out trying to figure it out

    Thanks so much!!

  2. #2
    Forum Guru
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    Re: Returning different values if cell falls between a certain date range

    One way

    =CHOOSE(MONTH(A2), "January","February","March","April", "May","June", "July", "August","September", "October","November", "December")
    My 2?

    substitute commas with semi-colons if your region settings requires
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  3. #3
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    Re: Returning different values if cell falls between a certain date range

    Quote Originally Posted by ChemistB View Post
    One way

    =CHOOSE(MONTH(A2), "January","February","March","April", "May","June", "July", "August","September", "October","November", "December")
    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I absolutely knew there had to be a simpler way to do that, I just couldn't for the life of me figure it out. PERFECT! Thanks so much ChemistB!

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