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Find word within text that matches range and Vlookup the result

  1. #1
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    Find word within text that matches range and Vlookup the result


    I need to perform a search within text to find out what word is included (from a list of words within range) and then vlookup/offset this result.

    For example: I need to find text within column "B" that matches any row from column "E" and write corresponding class from column "F".
    Specifically, it finds word salmon in B3 that matches a result from range in column "E" then it matches Salmon with Fish and shows it as a result - I need to know what word or row it matches so I can vlookup or offset this to get Fish from column "F".


    I am able to say whether any word from column "E" is present but I can't say what word it is :/

    Thank a lot for your ideas.

    Last edited by snakeCZ; 11-18-2015 at 08:52 AM.

  2. #2
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Find word within text that matches range and Vlookup the result

    Here, try this:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
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    However, this would return you wrong result if your criteria si within some other words.

    For example:

    "mobile assisted handover" will return you bird

    P.S. Replace ; with , if you getting error

  3. #3
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    Re: Find word within text that matches range and Vlookup the result

    You are awesome! It works perfectly.

    Yes, I am aware of this pitfall but it should be ok.

    Can you help me understand the formula? I thought I am good with Excel but this makes me feel dumb

    1st I don't understand why lookup_value is basically insensitive to input (any value gives me the same result).
    2nd I have never seen slashes in range - how does it work ?

    Thanks a lot

  4. #4
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Find word within text that matches range and Vlookup the result

    Quote Originally Posted by snakeCZ View Post
    1st I don't understand why lookup_value is basically insensitive to input (any value gives me the same result).
    2nd I have never seen slashes in range - how does it work ?
    LOOKUP doesn't look for words. SEARCH is function that do that. If you use FIND instead of SEARCH then it will be sensitive to input (A vs. a etc).

    Slashes are simple divisions. 1/2/3 is same as 1/6.

    I will short it for explanations:

    Formula: copy to clipboard
    Please Login or Register  to view this content.

    SEARCH formula look for each word in range E3:E25 within cell B3.
    If it find it it will return position in the text.

    For example: Search A,B and M within word BALL will return 2; 1; #VALUE! respectively (B on 2nd position, A on first position, M is not found).

    (Actually, now that I look it it would be same if you use without 1/.... but you would need to change number 2 into some very big number)

    1/{2;1; #VALUE!} will convert those numbers into number less or equal to 1 and errors.
    Since LOOKUP function is ignoring errors it will return LAST value in the range (1 in this case) and coresponding value in range F3:F25 (if defined).

    This will work only if you define all values in range. Since all values are not defined (some are blank) you will get wrong result because finding those values is always true.
    So I need to add one more criteria that will not include blank cells.


  5. #5
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    Re: Find word within text that matches range and Vlookup the result

    Oh I see. You basically recreate lookup_vector (in case of salmon) to 1/{#VALUE!;7;#VALUE!;1;1...} then divide it by TRUE/FALSE (1/0) so you get errors to eliminate blanks. Therefore final vector looks like this {#VALUE!;0.1428;#VALUE!;#DIV/0!;#DIV/0!...}. Then the last question arises ... Does the lookup_value (2 from the formula) have to be always greater or same as number from the vector ?

    It is unbelievable how one can learn so much everyday

    Thanks a lot

  6. #6
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Find word within text that matches range and Vlookup the result

    You are correct.

    Lookup_value in such cases must be always greater than greatest value.

    In case you use 1/N where N is whole number so result is always less than 1. I've put 2 but you can put 2, 10 or 1000. doesn't matter.

    But if you use only SEARCH and het first vector {#VALUE!;7;#VALUE!;1;1...} divided by TRUE/FALSE you would get {#VALUE!;7;#VALUE!;#DIV/0!;#DIV/0!...}

    So you need to use some big number (because you never know position of the string).
    Probably 1000 will be enough but it's common to use some even bigger numbers.
    You will find in formula sometimes 9.99999999999999E+307 wich is largest allowed positive number.
    Or something similliar like 99^99 (if you are lazy to write like me )

    Notice also that if you find two (or more) matching strings like {#VALUE!;7;#VALUE!;#DIV/0!;#DIV/0!, 3, ...}
    it will return latest.
    So you will get the answer but be aware what could case it if it's unexpected.

  7. #7
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    Re: Find word within text that matches range and Vlookup the result

    Thanks zbor. You were very helpful

  8. #8
    Forum Moderator zbor's Avatar
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    Re: Find word within text that matches range and Vlookup the result

    Glad I could help.
    Hope to see more questions from you.
    Or answers since that's best way to learn and practice

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