I have a rent roll for a retail center which has three tenants and the analysis start date is 1/1/2016. There are 3% CPI increases on each year, and each tenant has a different start date. One suite is vacant thus it will not have any increases or start date but will have income.

I am having trouble finding a formula to use to find the per square foot rental rate for at a given date. The information for the tenants is below:

Tenant A A 1,152sf 12/01/08 11/30/18 - Base Rental Rate in 12/1/2008 is $3.25 with 3% escalations annually.
Tenant B B 2,540sf 05/14/14 05/13/19 - Base Rental Rate in 5/14/2014 is $3.25 with 3% escalations annually.
Tenant C C 1,800sf - Vacant with projected income.

how do i return the correct per square foot rental rate value for 1/1/2016 for each tenant through a formula in excel? I have tried; =if(1/1/2016<=..... but i get stuck. Is it a Vlookup Hlookup via a table, or a SUMPRODUCT / SUMIFS?

Thank you !