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Dynamic table arrays

  1. #1
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    Dynamic table arrays

    I'm working on a sheet that pulls just the Inventory items which are in stock and trying to keep my code as simple a possible.

    I have several categories with in each sheet of the Inventory (INV) listed descending order. 2X, XL, LG, MD, SM, TM

    I want to pull a row reference from a column but anyone who uses the INV can add rows for new INV item, so I can not define a specific start and stop position in the column.

    This method may be futile but I have started tinkering with:

    To determine if an INV cell has a value, In $AR each category header starts with 0 and every descending cell is populated with =IF(A2>0,AR2+1,AR2)

    This allows me to search a column for each item with a positive quantity in the INV. =MATCH(1,Tabulator!AR:AR,0)

    The problem I am having is that, although designating each category header with 0 does reset the list value and allows it to start over regardless of how many rows are added. I do not know how to tell the formula how to read a variable array range.

    I need a formula that results in =MATCH(1,Tabulator!AR:AR,0)
    When = a specified Cell Value like A1 & A2 which determines the start and finish of each size category.
    or a formula that allows me to search for the second/third occurrence of 1 in AR

    I tried concatenate, and I have read many threads on Dynamic Vlookup but they are not helping. I have 31 sheets of ever changing INV each month. I can reference the data, I just need to pull the correct row value within each category to form a simplified list of what is on hand.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Forum Expert BadlySpelledBuoy's Avatar
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    Re: Dynamic table arrays

    I feel you would get help on this far quicker if you posted an example workbook.
    Include details of the desired results.


  3. #3
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    Re: Dynamic table arrays

    (How to) Upload a Workbook directly to the Forum
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    Ben Van Johnson

  4. #4
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    Re: Dynamic table arrays

    As stated

    I need a formula that results in =MATCH(1,Tabulator!AR:AR,0)
    When = a specified "Value" in a cell like A1 & = A2, which determines the start and finish of a Dynamic array row range.

    Or a formula that allows me to search for the second/third occurrence of (1) in a column.

    If this is not possible that it fine. It just means that the Excel program language is too simple for basic programing. With the raw amount of effort it takes to apply a simple loop in Excel it would not surprise me if that is the case.

    I can not publish our INV and what I am requesting should be fairly clear. I can not be the first person to ask how to define an array range with a variable value. There are an infinite number of applications where such a basic formula would be needed. There has to be a simple way to accomplish this in Excel. I've tried offsets, indexing, concatenate, indirect and many more. I need to match (1) in AR on another sheet that start from the row indicated by the value in A1, not A1 itself.

    This is the best I have been able to come up with and it fails even though the formals look like they should work.

    Again and please, any help is appreciated.
    Last edited by MrGawain; 12-23-2015 at 10:33 PM.

  5. #5
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    Re: Dynamic table arrays

    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    maybe...hard to test without a sample sheet.

    Also, if not.....

    Please Login or Register  to view this content.
    should at least tell you where it is trying to look. Once you get that looking right, insert it into your INDIRECT.
    Last edited by Beamernsw; 12-24-2015 at 02:00 AM.

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