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calculating sales per labor hour as of current time.

  1. #1
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    Talking calculating sales per labor hour as of current time.


    I am trying to create a sheet for use in my work. So far I have a schedule base that allows me to calculate my scheduled hours based on my input. It will total my hours including lunches. Down in the bottom it will calculate hours use per hour and give me a visual of where my hours are used. I have it calculate the hours used per hour. What I would like to do is when I enter in the current time it will return the total hours used up to the current time entered. I then have entered a formula that will tell me my sales per labor hour. I have attached a example in for your viewing.

    SPLH HOURLY 2015.xlsx

    Thank you

  2. #2
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    Re: calculating sales per labor hour as of current time.


    Short Answer: =(V2-A21)*24 is the formula you're after.
    The trick to solving this problem is understanding that Excel treats times as fractional parts of a day. For instance, at 8:00 AM, we've traversed 1/3 of a day (starting from midnight), thus 8:00AM = .33. Noon is .5, and 11:59 PM is almost 1.

    If you format V6 to a number (you can add decimal places if you'd like), enter the formula: =(V2-A21)*24 -- that assumes that each day starts at 7:00AM (b/c A21 has time: 7:00 AM). For your example where V2 is 3:00 AM, the difference between 7 & 3 is 8 hours so you get .33 -- multiply by 24 hours/day to a decimal representation of day and the units of day cancel and you're left with hours. Then when you enter your units sold, you get expected SPLH results, as you've defined it.

    Hope this helps,


    PS Instead of entering the time, you can enter: =MOD(NOW(),1) into V2, and then re-calculate the sheet as-needed -- that, in a sense, extracts the measured time off the beginning of the day. Then re-format cell V2 so it displays time.
    Last edited by joe31623; 01-07-2016 at 03:36 AM.

  3. #3
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    Re: calculating sales per labor hour as of current time.


    Thank you so much for your help. What I was hoping to do is calculate all the hours used. Example: When I enter my current time into cell V2 it will return all hours used up to the current time, so if it was say 9:00 am then it would return 10 hours used. Then I just need to enter the current sales in V4 and I have it to automatically return my splh already. I do like the Now() feature idea.

    Thank you

  4. #4
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    Re: calculating sales per labor hour as of current time.

    If you read the previous version of this post (before I edited it), please ignore the response.

    Use formula: =SUM(W21:INDIRECT("W" & INT(MATCH(V2,A21:A36)-1+21))) in cell V6.

    -Note: this solution will work with the =mod(Now(),1) formula in cell: V2 and will round to the nearest hour. That is, if it's 3:59 or 3:00 or 3:01 (PM), it will give you the same result.
    Also Note: This solution will give you the same result for any time after 10:00 PM (the last element of range A21:A36) and before 12:00 AM
    Also Note: This solution will give an #N/A result if a time before 7:00 AM is entered
    Last edited by joe31623; 01-07-2016 at 04:19 PM.

  5. #5
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    Re: calculating sales per labor hour as of current time.

    Hi Joe31623,

    Thank you very much, That worked perfectly. I added reputation to you, I hope this is what is done.


  6. #6
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    Re: calculating sales per labor hour as of current time.

    Hey Robt1973!

    I find your table to be of Great use, but I would like to add more workers. Could you explain how to enlarge the table without Messing up the formulas. I am a beginner excel user. I need to include 30 workers.
    Thank you in advance, I know this thread is very old, but hopefully this Messages reaches you.

  7. #7
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    Re: calculating sales per labor hour as of current time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alexwog2018 View Post
    Hey Robt1973!

    I find your table to be of Great use, but I would like to add more workers. Could you explain how to enlarge the table without Messing up the formulas. I am a beginner excel user. I need to include 30 workers.
    Thank you in advance, I know this thread is very old, but hopefully this Messages reaches you.
    Administrative Note:

    Welcome to the forum.

    We are happy to help, however whilst you feel your request is similar to this thread, experience has shown that things soon get confusing when answers refer to particular cells/ranges/sheets which are unique to your post and not relevant to the original.

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